The Award Winners of ITFS 2024:

Grand Prix:
State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Stuttgart Grand Award for Animated Film with a cash prize of 10,000 Euro


Director: Flóra Anna Buda
France, Hungary 2023, 10:44 min

Jury Statement

We were convinced by the film “27” because it reflects the reality of the current generation for whom independence is a luxury.  The showcases outstanding visuals with a great script that perfectly merges reality and fantasy.

Special Mention:

Mariupol. A Hundred Nights

Director: Sofiia Melnyk
Ukraine 2023, 7:26 min

Jury Statement

We would also like to give a special mention to the film “MARIUPOL“ as a statement against the brutality of the many visible and invisible wars that are being fought all over the world. Wars that blow out the light of innocent lives before they have the opportunity to shine.

Lotte Reiniger Promotion Award for Animated Film:
Award for the best graduation film with a cash prize of 10,000 Euro, sponsored by MFG Film Funding Baden-Württemberg


Director: Yi Luo
Germany 2023, 12:36 min

Jury Statement

We saw a film that deals with the trauma of losing a father in a crucial stage child’s development. Executed in a very impressive art style that meticulously draws the viewer into the essence of the story.

Special Mention:


Director: Carolina Cruz
Germany 2024, 9:31 min

Jury Statement

“Recordari“ reenacts the brutal regime of Pinochet in Chile. Told from a personal point of view with beautiful and cinematography.

The ITFS Audience Award with a cash prize of 6,000 Euro, sponsored by SWR (regional broadcasting for southwest Germany)

Mee and Burd

Director: Greg Mcleod
United Kingdom 2023, 7:48 min

Award for the best student film with a cash prize of 2,500 Euro, sponsored by LFK Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg and MFG Film Funding Baden-Württemberg

It’s just a whole

Director: Bianca Scali
Germany 2023, 10:37 min

Jury Statement

We would like to give the award to the film “It‘s just a whole“  for the brilliant way in which the artists lead us into a dramatic experience in which one negotiates one’s existence  facing a sometimes cold reality, loneliness and the  primal fear of disappearance. For the film’s unique animation style in which graphics, sounds and textures are used in a way that immediately convey emotions that are transposed into physical reactions.

Special Mention:

Oliver the Giant (Oliver, az óriás)

Director: Júlia Lantos
Hungary 2023, 8:14 min

Jury Statement

We would like to award this special mention to the film “Oliver the Giant“ by Júlia Lantos for the artistic courage of opening up the space for asking questions rather than finding answers.

Award for the best animated feature film

Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds
(Sirocco et le Royaume des Courants D’air)

Director: Benoît Chieux
France, Belgium 2022, 76 min

Jury Statement

This film has been awarded this prize due to its explemplarly use of the medium of animation in the creation of an original and poetic world, and in tackling complex themes on the eye level of children. The artwork was at a level we felt each frame would make a stand alone painting to display. Finally the heart, humour and originality of the story captivated us throughout.

Special Mention:

Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Kagami no kojō)

Director: Keiichi Hara
Japan 2022, 116 min

Jury Statement

“Lonely Castle in the Mirror“ gets a special mention for brave and sensitive story-telling in dealing with the important theme about overcoming loneliness through unlikely friendship.

Award for the best international animated short film that deals with the topics of climate protection, biodiversity, environment and sustainability, with a cash prize of 7,500 Euro, sponsored by Verband Region Stuttgart

On the 8th Day (Au 8ème Jour)

Directors: Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois
France 2023, 8:12 min

Jury Statement

It took seven days to create the world, but it only took one to disturb its balance. The directors manage to tell the collective story of the earth in an artistic form and without any words; using yarn, felt creatures, 3D-animation and music. The effect created is beautiful and full of fantasy. The chosen concept and storytelling is clear and well-rounded.

Special Mention

ABOUT A COW (O krávě)

Regie: Pavla Baštanová,
Czech Republic/Switzerland 2023, 12min

Jury Statement

An imaginative and playful collage of images from the lives of cows.

A mosaic of short stories from around the world in which cows experience positive and negative moments. The short film depicts the life of an animal in a global context and its relationship with humans.

The visually colourful images show the cow as a sensitive and admirable creature and gives us as viewers a peaceful and relaxing experience.

Award for the best children’s animated film with a cash prize of 4,000 Euro, sponsored by Studio 100 Media


Directors: Alexandra Delaunay-Fernandez, Julie Majcher, Marine Benabdallah-Crolais, Noémie Segalowicz, Scott Pardaillhe-Galabrun, Sixtine Emerat
France 2023, 6:18 min

Jury Statement

We chose this film because we liked that the story was funny but also serious. The themes were about how children and parents feel differently about smart phones and social media. We think that this is an important topic for parents and their children to discuss together. It was an original story with cool music and was very well animated.

Special Mention:

The Story of Bodri (Historien Om Bodri)

Director: Stina Wirsén
Sweden 2022, 13:05 min

Jury Statement

We hav chosen this film because we find it very interesting and because we think it is important that this story is told on the big screen. We also think it’s very special that the film is based on a true story and that’s why it’s easy to comprehend the history and feelings of the people who were persecuted at the time.

Tricks for Kids Audience Award:
Award for the audience’s favourite of the ITFS Children’s Film Festival with a cash prize of 1,500 Euro, sponsored by L-Bank

The Mystery of Missing Socks (Kadunud Sokid)

Director: Oscar Lehemaa
Estonia 2023, 19:44 min

Award for the best animation based German computer game with a cash prize of 5,000 Euro, sponsored by MFG Baden-Württemberg

Closer the Distance

Studio: Osmotic Studios GmbH
Publisher: Skybound Games
Genre: Narrative Life-Simulation

Jury Statement

“Closer the Distance” speaks to players in a uniquely sensitive manner, yet manages to strike a balance between strong narrative and engaging gameplay. While the different characters allow us to experience the full complexity of a grieving process, the game paints a beautiful picture of how much a single life can affect others. It left us with an enduring impression that will outlast the story alone and we are looking forward to playing the finished game.

Closer The Distance

Award for the best German screenplay for an animated feature film with a cash prize of 2,500 Euro, sponsored by Animation Media Creators Region Stuttgart (AMCRS)

Das NEINhorn

Authors: Marc-Uwe Kling, Marcus Sauermann
Producer: Nicole Kellerhals
Production: X Filme Creative Pool

Jury Statement

A unicorn or the art of saying NO

“No is the negative answer to a question that can be answered positively or negatively, so to speak the negation of a positively formulated statement – Roger that? Connoisseurs now know – the award for this year’s 18th Screenplay Prize in the category of best German script for a full-length, yet unrealized animated film goes to – uNOcorn. But NO also means taking yourself seriously. Our newborn unicorn – its mane was puffy and its fur so fluffy – from the Forest of Hearts thinks so too and takes itself very seriously. Because despite eating sweet lucky clover, the newborn doesn’t behave like a unicorn at all! It always says NO to everything and gets its nickname – uNOcorn. Life in the purple-loving Forest of Hearts gets soon too sweet and colorful for our little uNOcorn and it sets off into the big big world. There it meets a raccoon who never listens (Huh?), a dog that does not give a damn about anything (So what?), and an unruly princess and king’s daughter who was locked in a tower and loves contradictions. The unfamous four are a pretty unbeatable team of non-conformists: No, What, But, So what?? A different kind of road trip begins, where the only thing that counts is fun and wit and not the educational preparation of the topic of defiance. Successful author and cabaret artist Marc-Uwe Kling has achieved another great success, this time for children, for the little ones, but their parents’ laughing muscles are also well taken care of. And so, the UNOcorn will soon trot successfully and saying no through the German cinema landscape and screens…

Special Mention:

Die Olchis – Dino-Alarm!

Author: Toby Genkel
Producer: Gisela Schäfer, Sunna Isenberg
Production: gretels gold GmbH

Jury Statement

In the wonderful script “The Olchis – Dino Alarm!” by Toby Genkel, the famous, sometimes somewhat grumpy but very likeable Olchis and their friends embark on a new adventure. The time machine takes them back 70 million years to the time of the dinosaurs to bring the baby dinosaur “Rexy”, which was found as an egg on the rubbish dump by the Olchis’ flying dragon “Feuerstuhl” and hatched thanks to his care, back to his parents. On this journey, the Olchis and Rex are chased through time by the sensationalist teacher. The exciting story of the Olchis is now expanded to include the wonderful and interesting world of the Mesozoic era and takes children into the fascinating world of dinosaurs.

The script is refreshing and entertaining and, following the success of the first film, brings a new, exciting and fascinating version to cinemas.

Award for the German screenplay with the biggest international market potential with a cash prize of 1,500 Euro, sponsored by Pink Parrot Media

Out of Frame

Authors: Keiron Self, Giles New
Producers: Emely Christians, Sonja Matthes
Production: Ulysses Film Production

Jury Statement

The Screenplay with the biggest international market potential is an exciting story in an original narrative world with a didactically clever approach to the world of art. In a structurally classic adventure plot, Harold, art expert and the dog of art restorer Lori, and Mimi, a young mongrel dog who has escaped from her own painting, make their way through the paintings of art history to find Mimi’s missing mistress Evi, who disappeared when the colors vanished from the canvas. The script tells the extraordinary story of a journey through art history in which our two protagonists meet DaVinci’s ermine, Baselitz’s eagle, Marc’s tiger, Munch’s screamer and many other iconic figures from the world of art, and combines them with a touching story about love, friendship, loyalty and the many sources of inspiration, promising a visual firework of styles and breathtaking images. The jury sees a very broad target audience worldwide, as the script offers both a child-friendly adventure in a literally colorful world with an ingenious approach to art as well as entertainment for adults interested in art and history. It is an extraordinary mixture of sophisticated family entertainment in the best sense of the word … and an educational mission. The prize for the screenplay with the biggest market potential therefore goes to “Out of Frame” by Giles New and Keiron Self, based on the children’s book “When the Dachshund Disappeared from the Painting” by Manuela von Perfall.

Award for the best innovative and groundbreaking business model in the field of animation with a cash prize of 7,500 Euro, sponsored by Verband Region Stuttgart

Black Goblin

Ana Betancourt (CEO), United Kingdom

Jury Statement

With BLACK GOBLIN’S cutting-edge software THOL, the company focuses on transforming the way creatives work with sound. With the help of machine learning technology in real-time, the platform THOL empowers creatives to generate high-quality, customizable sound effects directly onto visual content. To come up with such an idea you must know and understand postproduction needs in detail. That is the case with Black Goblin. With the invention of THOL they created an incredibly useful tool for the sound postproduction which combines efficiency at quality needs at its very best. THOL is a small application with a big impact for the whole industry. The jury decided that this innovative business idea is unique and has the potential to grow and deserves this year’s Trickstar Business award.

Special Mention:


David Aguirre Hoffmann (Art Director & Illustrator), Germany

Jury Statement

The Trickstar Business Award Special Mention goes to:

Art Director & Illustrator David Aguirre Hoffmann, for his fresh take on European identity and Character Design with ZEUNIKS – A lineup of fun characters representing national animals of each European country of the Union that people can identify with and which leaves space for commercial exploitation from merchandise to a film project unifying Europe in a cool creature’s club. Congratulations David!

Since 1985 ASIFA has awarded a prize for the outstanding achievements in the art of animation. The ASIFA Prize is awarded annually to individual(s) or organisation(s) which have made a significant and innovative contribution towards the promotion and preservation of the art of animation. This year the internationally recognised prize is awarded to the Czech filmmaker Michaela Pavlátová.